A-E         F-O         P-Q        R-Z
  • AIRBORNE GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY A survey where geophysical data are
    collected using an aircraft

  • AIRGRAVtm A patented system developed by Bell Geosystems to measure
    variations of the earth’s gravitational field from an aircraft

  • ALLUVIAL Pertaining to silt, sand and gravel material transported by a river

  • ANOMALY/ANOMALIES An area/areas where exploration has revealed results
    higher than the local background

  • ANDESITE/ANDESITIC A Mafic volcanic rock composed of calcic feldspar and
    one of more of the mafic minerals pyroxene, olivine and hornblende

  • ALTERATION The change in the mineral composition of a rock commonly due to
    hydrothermal alteration

  • Au Chemical symbol for gold

  • BLEG Bulk Leach Extractable Gold (stream sediment sampling method)

  • CSAMT Controlled Source Audio Magneto Tellurics

  • DATA INTERVENTION Collation, digitisation and interrogation of data

  • DDH - Diamond Drill Hole - A drilling method that uses drill bits coated with
    diamonds to recover solid cores of rock from below the ground surface. Holes
    drilled using this drilling method are commonly prefixed DDH to communicate
    the drilling method

  • DEPOSIT A body of mineralisation that may or may not be economic to mine

  • EPITHERMAL Pertaining to mineral veins and ore deposits formed from warm
    waters at shallow depth, at temperatures ranging from 50 to 200 degrees C and
    generally some distance from the magmatic source

  • EXPLORATION PERMIT (EP) An Exploration Permit issued under the Crown
    Minerals Act 99 of New Zealand allows the holder to explore using mechanised
    methods but is subject to obtaining access to the land from the landowner

  • EXPOSURE(S) Underlying rocks are exposed at surface, synonym for outcrop
  • FAULT A fracture zone along which rocks on one side have moved relative to
    the other side

  • g/t An abbreviation for grams per tonne, a unit of measurement of the
    concentration of metal in rock, equivalent to parts per million (ppm)

  • GEOCHEMICAL Pertains to the concentration of an element

  • GEOPHYSICS/GEOPHYSICAL The study of the physical properties of rocks, such
    as magnetism, conductivity and density: A method of exploration based on this
    by inferring geologic features from measurements of physical properties

  • GEOTHERMAL A term to describe energy derived from the internal heat of the

  • GEOCHEMIST A scientist who specialises in the chemical composition of rocks
    and the process that can change the chemical composition of rocks

  • GREENFIELDS EXPLORATION An exploration term used to describe exploration
    in areas were no economic mineralisation has been previously discovered

  • GROUND VERIFICATION Processes where physical evidence corroborates
    remote sensing techniques

  • HARD ROCK Hard rock mining refers to various mining techniques used to
    excavate hard minerals such as those containing metals like gold, copper, zinc,
    nickel and lead or gems such as diamonds. In contrast soft rock mining refers
    to excavation of softer minerals such as coal, or oil sands

  • LITHOLOGY/LITHOLOGIES The study and description of rocks, including their
    mineral composition and texture. Also used in reference to the compositional
    and textural characteristics of a rock

  • MESOTHERMAL A hydrothermal mineral deposit formed at great depth at
    temperatures of 200 to 300 degrees C

  • MINERALISATION The process by which minerals are introduced into rock. More
    generally a term applied to accumulations of economic or related minerals in
    quantities ranging from anomalous to economically recoverable

  • MIOCENE A period of geologic time from 5.5 million years to 24 million years
    before present

  • NET SMELTER ROYALTY A royalty that is a percentage of the mineral’s value at
    the time of production/sale

  • OUNCE/OZ (Troy ounce) Imperial measure of the weight of gold. One troy
    ounce is exactly equal to 31.1034768 grams

  • OUTCROPPING Underlying rocks exposed at surface
  • PLIOCENE A period of geologic time from 8 million years to 5.5 million years
    before present

  • ppb An abbreviation for parts per billion, a unit of measurement of the
    concentration of metal in rock or soil

  • ppm An abbreviation for parts per million, a unit of measurement of the
    concentration of metal in rock or soil

  • PROSPECTING PERMIT (PP) A Prospecting Permit issued under the Crown
    Minerals Act 99 of New Zealand allows the holder to explore by hand held
    methods only

  • PROSPECT An area of a permit which has a demonstrated potential to host a

  • PROSPECTIVE General term for the perceived potential for the discovery of
    resources based on the knowledge of factors such as favourable geological
    setting, structures, alteration, geochemical and or geophysical responses, and
    occurrences of mineralisation

  • PROVINCE An area, region or district of similar geology

  • QUARTZ A common rock forming mineral composed of silicon dioxide

  • QUARTZ REEF Old mining term used to describe large quartz veins

  • QUARTZ VEINS A tabular quartz infill of a fissure or crack in a rock
  • RC A drilling method that uses a hammer driven by compressed air to collect a
    sample from below the earth’s surface and which is returned to surface inside
    the drill rods to reduce contamination. This drilling process is called Reverse
    Circulation (RC) drilling and drill holes are commonly prefixed RC to
    communicate the drilling method

  • RAB (Rotary Air Blast), a relatively inexpensive and less accurate drilling
    technique involving the collection of a sample from below the earth surface
    where the sample is returned to surface by compressed air outside the drilling

  • RADIOMETRIC SURVEY A geophysical survey technique in which measurements
    are made of variations of natural radioactivity of the earth’s surface

  • RESISTIVITY A measure of how difficult it is to pass an electrical current
    between two points

  • RESISTIVITY SURVEY A geophysical survey technique in which measurements
    are made of natural variations of the earth’s subsurface resistivity

  • RESOURCE An identified in situ mineral occurrence from which valuable or
    useful minerals may be recovered. Mineral resources are divided into Inferred,
    Indicated and measured categories according to the JORC code (an industry
    standard for reporting)

  • sq km Square kilometres

  • STRATIGRAPHIC A term to describe the sequence of rock layers found in a
    specific geographic area, arranged in the order of their deposition

  • STRIKE The orientation of a layer of rock or geologic structure in the horizontal

  • SUBDUCTION The process of convergence of two tectonic plates one of which
    usually overrides the other

  • WORLD CLASS In the context of a gold deposit, a world class deposit is one
    which via a combination of historic mining and current resources has/had
    resources in excess of 5 million ounces.

  • CCVR the Coromandel (Hauraki) /Central
    Volcanic Region
  • CVR Central Volcanic Region
  • GENZL Glass Earth (New Zealand) Limited
  • HPD HPD New Zealand Limited

Metric and Imperial Units – Conversion from
metric units into imperial equivalents is as

Metric Units                 Imperial Units
Hectare (ha)                2.47 acres
Metre (m)                    3.28 feet
Kilometre (km)            0.62 miles (3,28 feet)
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