We have a range of simple single page documents available (small size PDF format) on
the approach Glass Earth takes to gold exploration.

A small brochure published by Crown Minerals is also available.
Explore NZ Gold
Land Access
A document explaining which access agreements are required and what rights and
obligations they confer.
A document explaining the regulatory environment in New Zealand.
A simple explanation of magnetism, where it comes from, how Glass Earth's airborne
surveys were conducted and what the results mean.
A simple explanation of gravity, where it comes from, how Glass Earth's airborne
survey was conducted and what the results mean.
Ground Resistivity
A simple explanation of the ground’s electrical resistance, how Glass Earth's on-ground
CSAMT and 3D E-Scan surveys are conducted and what the results mean.
A simple explanation of the purpose of drilling in gold exploration and a brief overview
of two types of drilling rig.
The drilling rig at Tahunaatara showing the
operator setting up the 'splits'.
CSAMT Resistivity meter.
Aerial gravity equipment on board the
Cessna Grand Caravan used for the 2005
gravity survey
Airborne Electro-Magnetics
A simple explanation of Electro-Magnetics / resistivity, where it comes from, how Glass
Earth's Otago airborne survey was conducted and what the results mean
Background information: science / mineral permits / access
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